Thursday, 17 March 2011

Good ol Google Maps - Distance is further than 40 to 50 KM


I am slightly relieved.  In all this journalism about distances to Daichi with Japan saying 20 KM evacuate 20 to 30 KM stay in the house and the US State Department saying to evacuate if you are within 50 miles to  the plant.  Well, good old google maps has calmed us a bit.

I just did a measurement as the crow flies from the Daichi power plant to Mito/Hitachinaka City and it is approximately 120 KM.  I think my family has been estimating to the border of Fukoshima Prefecture. 

Regardless if we are dealing with a measurement from the US State Department or the Japan Government, we are currently in the clear for now.

The following map's key was removed but every inch is about 50 KM so this distance is about 120 to 125 km as the crow flies.


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